Sunday, June 28, 2020

Murdering my Mother

Murdering my Mother 
(Sagarmani Dhakal 23.11.19)

I know there ain’t no rain for pretty long time
Your strides dusts off the loosened mud
Your shining shoes are soon going dirty
With unexpected storms and flood

The plastics that dance in the windy air…
The papers and waste flow down the gutter
It is me who have been doing all this
I was supposed to make this world better..

But…I welcomed people to marbled floor
Welcome mat and expensive carpets
Repellents and air fresheners to lure the guests
I built my home admits the waste
Thrown by me..

The world outside no longer belongs to me
I have my beautifully painted walls
To keep me in illusion that I am clean
While the world outside is diffusing…
Into a planet full of poison.
Soon to collapse…engulfed by poisonous gases.
Nurtured by MEN..
I knew the world would end one day..
But never knew..we would murder it. (Sagarmani)

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