It was Sunday morning
I was inside the bathroom
Washing the clothes that I wore
Singing my songs
and rinsing along
As I was getting Bored
It was cold that Morning
I was thinking to myself
I'll bathe with the water that's Warm
I saw a rod that was hanging
and as I was pulling
A bucketful to dip it on
Rod slipped off its place
nearly hit my face
Got stuck on my wet hands
Current ran inside me
with jerks and jolts many
I was confused to sit or to stand
It was presence of mind
I could follow my eyes
the switch box to switch it off
I was trembling as freak
when my hands couldn't reach
To find out that current was leaked
The current hitting hard
and vibrating so fast
I moved to pull out the plug
But to my hard luck
as I moved forward
A jolt laid me flat on the floor
I shouted for help
screamed and yelled
Rod was now on my bare chest
My legs were bending
Memories were fading
I tried to recall to my best
My mom was the first one
followed by dad
Visiting mind of their dying son
My eyes were all dark
the end had its start
I could just lay helpless and ask
My roommate whom I heard
to call up Mom and Dad
To tell them their son was dead
the breath was slow
I could only know
My body had started to stretch
The door was locked
I had started to choke
My head was rotating around
There was a sudden jerk
To move me little backward
The plug came out was what I found
I happened to stand
with all force I can
to open the bathroom door
I collapsed the very instance
friends at a distance
my fingers and toes were all torn...(Sagarmani)
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